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Sources: A Manual Of Peroral Endoscopy And Laryngeal Surgery

Strict aseptic technic must be observed in all endoscopic

procedures. The operator, first assistant, and instrument nurse must

use the same precautions as to hand sterilization and sterile gowns as

would be exercised in any surgical operation. The operator and first

assistant should wear masks and sterile gloves. The patient is

instructed to cleanse the mouth thoroughly with the tooth brush and a

20 per cent alcohol mo
th wash. Any dental defects should, if time

permit, as in a course of repeated treatments, be remedied by the

dental surgeon. When placed on the table with neck bare and the

shoulders unhampered by clothing, the patient is covered with a

sterile sheet and the head is enfolded in a sterile towel. The face is

wiped with 70 per cent alcohol.

It is to be remembered that while the patient is relatively immune to

the bacteria he himself harbors, the implantation of different strains

of perhaps the same type of organisms may prove virulent to him.

Furthermore the transference of lues, tuberculosis, diphtheria,

pneumonia, erysipelas and other infective diseases would be inevitable

if sterile precautions were not taken.

All of the tubes and forceps are sterilized by boiling. The

light-carriers and lamps may be sterilized by immersion in 95 per cent

alcohol or by prolonged exposure to formaldehyde gas. Continuous

sterilization by keeping them put away in a metal box with formalin

pastilles or other source of formaldehyde gas is an ideal method.

Knives and scissors are immersed in 95 per cent alcohol, and the

rubber covered conducting cords are wiped with the same solution.

