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Breast With Corded Muscles

Sources: Papers On Health

Often a slight hardness shows itself in a

woman's breast, when the muscular tissue becomes what is called

"corded." It is well, first of all, in all cases of breast trouble to

avoid alarming the patient. Great anxiety is often endured through fear

of cancer when there is no need. A "corded" breast may usually quite

easily be cured, and the patient should be made perfectly easy in mind

about it.

> Take a good lather of soap (see Lather; Soap). Apply this night and

morning, gently lathering the breast for some time. After this, each

time, rub the back well with hot olive oil, so as to produce a thorough

glow of heat all over it. Sometimes the swelling will disperse under

this treatment. It may, however, grow larger and show a tendency to

break. In this case treat as in next article.

We shall also probably find, on examining, that the skin was failing to

do its part well. If rubbed with Cayenne lotion the clean, healthy skin

will send off much more waste than was allowed to pass through it


