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Scarlet Fever

Sources: An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art

This fever assumes two principal forms: Simple or mild, and Malignant.

In the _Simple form_, there is great heat of the surface, extremely

quick and frequent pulse, headache, and some sense of pain and soreness

in the throat. After a day or two, there appears upon the surface,

bright scarlet patches, in some cases extending over the whole limbs,

the skin smooth and shining, and somewhat bloated or swollen; upon

with the finger, a white spot is seen, which soon disappears on

removal of the pressure. As the disease subsides, the cuticle comes off

(_desquamates_) in patches. In the simple form of this disease, the

throat, though often more or less sore, does not ulcerate. In some

cases, notwithstanding the fever is high, the pulse frequent, and the

throat sore, there may be no external redness, but the mouth and tongue

will have a scarlet hue, indicating the existence of disease more

dangerous than when it appears externally. _In the malignant form_, the

same symptoms are present, the patient suffers more pain in the head;

the back and throat, root of the tongue, tonsils and soft palate become

ulcerated, turn black, and sometimes gangrenous, proving fatal in a few

days, or slough out in large portions, the ulcers destroying the parts

extensively. The breath becomes foul and fetid, and the effluvia from

the ulcerated surface, is very sickening to the patient and all around

him. This disease rarely attacks adults, but occasionally, and for the

last six or eight months, in one region where I am acquainted, where

Scarlatina of a malignant type has prevailed among children, adults have

been affected with an epidemic soreness of the mouth and throat,

strongly resembling the worst form of the _angina_ in malignant

Scarlatina, together with a low typhoid form of fever.


In simple scarlatina, all that is necessary is to keep the child quiet,

in a room of uniform temperature, as far as practicable; let it drink

cold water only, and give _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and _Pulsatilla_ in

rotation, a dose every hour until the fever subsides. If any soreness of

the throat remains, give a few doses of _Mercurius_. If the fever

subsides, and the soreness remain, _Hydrastin_ or _Eupatorium arom._

will soon complete the cure. In the _malignant_ form, with ulcerated,

dark colored, or red and purulent throat, and typhoid form of fever,

give _Aconite_ and _Belladonna_ in alternation, every hour, and, at the

same time, gargle the throat freely with _Hydrastin_. Some of the

tincture may be put in water, about in the proportion of ten drops to a

teaspoonful, or a warm infusion of the crude medicine may be used. This

can be applied with a camel's hair pencil, or a swab, to the parts

affected, once in two hours, and will soon bring about such a state as

will result in speedy recovery. After the active fever has subsided, the

_Aconite_ and _Bell._ may be discontinued, and _Eupatorium arom._ used

instead, once in three hours until convalescence is complete.

I would remark that, with these remedies applied as here recommended, my

brother, Dr. G. S. HILL, of Erie County, Ohio, has, during the last four

months, treated a large number of those malignant sore-throats, (the

"Black tongue Erysipelas,") and been universally successful, relieving

them in a few hours, when the symptoms were of the most alarming

character, and the disease in some cases, so far advanced that the

patients were considered by their friends and attendants, "at the point

of death."

The _Hydrastin_ is a most potent remedy in putrid ulcerations of the

mucous surfaces, and much the same may be said of _Eupatorium


