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Symptoms Of Tracheal And Bronchial Foreign Body

Sources: A Manual Of Peroral Endoscopy And Laryngeal Surgery

1. Tracheal foreign bodies are usually movable and their movements

can usually be felt by the patient.

2. Cough is usually present at once, may disappear for a time and

recur, or may be continuous, and may be so violent as to induce

vomiting. In recent cases fixed foreign bodies cause little cough;

shifting foreign bodies cause violent coughing.

3. Sudden shutting off of the expiratory blast and the phonation

during paroxysmal cough is almost pathognomonic of a movable tracheal

foreign body.

4. Dyspnea is usually present in tracheal foreign bodies, and is due

to the bulk of the foreign body plus the subglottic swelling caused by

the traumatism of the shiftings of the intruder.

5. Dyspnea is usually absent in bronchial foreign bodies.

6. The respiratory rate is increased only if a considerable portion

of lung is out of function, by the obstruction of a main bronchus, or

if inflammatory sequelae are extensive.

7. The asthmatoid wheeze is usually present in tracheal foreign

bodies, and is often louder and of lower pitch than the asthmatoid

wheeze of bronchial foreign bodies. It is heard at the open mouth, not

at the chest wall; and prolonged expiration as though to rid the lungs

of all residual air, may be necessary to elicit it.

8. Pain is not a common symptom, but may occur and be accurately

localized by the patient, in case of either tracheal or bronchial

foreign body.

