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Parthenium Hysterophorus

NAT. ORD., Synanthereae.

COMMON NAME, "Bitter broom." Escoba amaya.

PREPARATION.--The dry plant is macerated in five parts by weight of


(Dr. Edward Fornias contributed to the Homoeopathic

Recorder, 1886, two papers on this remedy. The first

gave the results of physiological experiments; the second

is a resume of those results, including
the proving by

Dr. B. H. B. Sleght, as follows:)

Resume of Symptoms.--If we boil down the matter, extracting only the

symptoms and changes observed during the above experiments with

Parthenina, we have the following: Heaviness and dulness of head,

tendency to vertigo, malaise, apathy, lassitude, profuse and very fluid

salivation, sensation of heat and weight in the stomach, increased

appetite, gastric intolerance, nausea and vomiting. Increased stupor,

desire to be quiet, refusal of food, and indifference. Excitation of the

heart beats, or slow beating of the heart; depressed circulation, or

general functional activity; pulse accelerated, or slow, weak, soft,

compressible, without dicrotism; progressive slowing of the pulse,

followed by syncope, cardiac paralysis (and death). Accelerated, or

slow, irregular breathing (Cheyne-Stokes); rise and fall of

temperature, tremors, shivering, diminished perspiration; dilation of

the pupils; convulsions (clonic and tonic); muscular relaxation,

anaesthesia and increased urine and saliva. The kidneys were found

enlarged and congested, with evident signs of sanguineous stasis. The

process of coagulation of the blood was retarded. The red corpuscles

increased in volume. There was a fall of the blood-pressure, and

vascular dilatation (of reflex origin). The heart was found arrested

in diastole, and the brain anaemic. A marked diminution of reflex action

in the hips and extinction of the voluntary movements, were noticed.

Also a transient excitement of the voluntary movements. And finally the

sensibility and the muscular contractility were diminished.

CASES CURED BY PARTHENINA.--In regard to the therapeutic value of

Parthenina, little is known as yet, but the plant from which this

alkaloid is derived, as said before, has been employed for years in

Cuba, both by the people and profession, against fevers of a paludal


Dr. Ramirez Tovar has reported in several numbers of the Cronica

Medico-Quirurgica, of Havana, the following cases treated by him with

Parthenina, with the best results:

CASE I.--"A lady living in the lower part of the city, where the rain

always leaves constant channels of infection, was suffering with daily

attacks of intermittent, which grew more intense every day. She

received 1 gram of the salt, divided in six powders, to be taken one

every hour after the attack. The next day she had no chill, and the

thermometer indicated the absence of fever. She was nursing at the time,

and stated that she had noticed a marked increase of milk in her

breasts; 50 centigrams more, in doses, were given to her, and the fever

did not return again."

CASE II.--"A tailor, 30 years of age, had moved to the lower part of the

city and contracted a tertian intermittent. He had four paroxysms

before the doctor saw him, the last one being attended by much pain in

the left hypochondrium. He received 1 gram, in 5 doses. There was

apyrexia on the day the attack was due, and this did not return again.

This man continued to live in the same house, under the same regimen and

hygienic conditions."

CASE III,--"A little girl, 6 years of age, lymphatic constitution,

living near the beach of the harbor, was brought to Dr. Ramirez Tovar's

clinic, suffering for 17 days with malaise, loss of appetite,

sleepiness and fever. She had taken quinine, both internally and

externally, with little benefit, and was wasting away notably. At 4

P.M. she commenced to take 50 centigrams of the salt, in 8 doses, and

the next day at the same hour the thermometer indicated a fall from

39.5 deg. C. of the previous day to 38.5 deg. C. The mother was ordered to

repeat the medicine at longer intervals, but for want of means the child

did not take any more. On the 4th or 5th day the temperature went up to

39.5 deg. again, then she was provided with the medicine, and 3 days later

the temperature was normal. The action of the alkaloid was aided here by

a tonic wine prepared from the extract of the plant."

CASE IV.--"A man 45 years of age, of delicate constitution, poorly

nourished, with a straw yellow face, yellow sclerotics, enlarged liver

and spleen, the latter somewhat painful to pressure, who had contracted

intermittent fever while in Panama, and had taken quinine, was

complaining, when Dr. Ramirez Tovar saw him (middle part of December),

of a pain in the right side (more severe in some points than in

others), which commenced at 1 P.M., with shiverings, and which

disappeared after two hours to return again the next day at precisely

the same time and with the same symptoms. He received 1 gram of

Parthenina, in 5 doses, one every hour, right after the cessation of

the pain. He was seen by the doctor the next day at 4 P.M., and up to

that time the pain had not returned. He took then 50 centigrams more, in

5 doses, one every hour, and was free of pain until the latter part of

January, when he again consulted the doctor, this time the pain being

located in the stomach, for which Parthenina was repeated (1 gram in

5 doses, one every two hours). The next day the pain had ceased, but

returned on the third, and he again received 1 gram, in the same manner

as before, and since then he has been free from pain."

CASE V.--"A young lady, 18 years of age, complained of facial neuralgia

with periodical exacerbations, from which she was suffering four days.

She received 1 gram of Parthenina, in 5 doses, one every hour, and on

the following day she was entirely free from pain. Fifty centigrams

more, in 4 doses, were given to this lady to prevent a relapse, and the

result was a complete cure."

And to finish this report, I will mention a case which came under my

notice: "A little girl, my niece, 5 years old, living in Havana, who,

when seen by the late Dr. Govantes, of that city, had been suffering for

some time before from a continued fever, with periodical mid-day

exacerbations, which later on, assumed an intermittent type. She had

been saturated with quinine, and complained, at the time, of

malaise, lassitude, languor, headache, loss of appetite,

gastric intolerance, etc. The temperature went up as high as 40.6 deg.

C. during the hot stage, which was short and was followed by copious

sweats, giving relief. Parthenium hysterophorus in the form of an

extract, prepared and sold at Dr. Villavicenci's Pharmacy, in Havana,

was prescribed by Dr. Govantes. Three doses a day, each of the size of a

pea, dissolved in water, were given for 4 or 5 days, and at the end of

that time she was entirely free of fever and made a quick recovery."

If such results can be ascribed to Parthenium and its alkaloid

Parthenina, I think it would be unjustifiable to set them aside. An

early proving of the plant will not only enhance our therapeutic

resources, but prevent the non-scrupulous from employing it empirically.

* * * * *

Proving of Parthenium hysterophorus, Dr. B. H. B. Sleght.

February 12th.--Until a few days ago had a slight continuous toothache

due to a cavity in last molar of lower jaw; cavity recently filled.

General health has been excellent for some time.

7:40 A.M. Took 5 drops of tincture. At once have a full feeling in head,

especially vertex, pressing from within.

7:45. Ringing in ears, < left.

7:50. Took 10 drops. Ringing and fulness continue and become worse.

7:58. Upper teeth feel "on edge," with slight prickling pains in

sockets, which slowly grow more severe.

8:00. Breakfast; above symptoms continue, but grow less severe.

8:10. Loud rumbling in bowels; irrepressible eructations, tasteless.

8:20. 20 drops. A "shivery" feeling runs over limbs and back as this is

taken. Singing in ears had ceased but begins again, as does the


8:40. "Goneness" in epigastrium, singing ceases; some fulness in head


8:45. Same feeling in teeth as above; singing in ears; head thick,


8:50. Sharp, aching twinges in upper molars; some sharp pains in ears.

Pulse 72.

9:10. 25 drops.

9:15. Stitching pain in left temple, of short duration. Upper incisors

tender at sockets when biting.

9:25. Sudden pain in upper teeth with lachrymation, < pressing jaws


9:45. 25 drops.

9:55. Aching pain at left supra-orbital foramen. On going into open air

no symptoms but taste of drug and fulness of head. A tooth filled

yesterday aches slightly, same as before filling.

11:15. 60 drops. Renewed fulness of head. Pulse 76.

11:30. Goneness in epigastrium; vertigo while sitting, with heat of face

and blurred vision. Aching at supra-orbital foramen (left), extending to

root of nose and becoming more severe there, > eyes closed. Feel dull,

stupid. Goneness comes and goes; hunger.

11:45. Aching at lower edge of right ear spreads over side of face; ear

feels plugged up. Am drowsy, eyes "heavy;" goneness and unusual craving

for food.

11:50. Prickling in skin of back of wrists and hands. A twinge of pain

at right infraorbital foramen, gradually increases; cannot fix attention

on what I am reading. Hard, painful lump in epigastrium; better after

eructations tasting of drug. Slight nausea with some relief.

12 M. 60 drops. Requires much effort to fix attention while counting


12:15 P.M. Head heavy, brain feels loose.

12:30. Stitching pain at lobe of left ear and deep in and above external

auditory meatus.

12:45. Dinner.

1:45. 75 drops.

1:50. Hard lump in epigastrium. Head feels as if in a vise. During P.M.

only "goneness" and continued taste of drug.

9:00 P.M. 100 drops, followed at once by sudden stitching pains in left

frontal eminence, which soon cease.

9:10. Pain in frontal eminence has returned and continues. Teeth "on

edge" and tenderness at sockets. Upper incisors ache as after filling.

Teeth feel too long.

9:30. Lump in epigastrium. Severe plunging pain in left frontal


9:45. Stabbing pain runs up rectum after passing flatus.

Mushy stool at 10:30 P.M. (Usually have passage at 10 A.M.; to-day no


February 13th.--Passed restless night, waking at 3 or 4 o'clock, then

dozing and dreaming until 7:30; rose with throbbing deep in brain, as if

it would push through top of head; "big" head, > after moving

about and washing face. 7:45. 120 drops. 7:55. Breakfast. 8:20. Aching

in eyeballs. No further symptoms all day.

9:30 P.M. 5 drops. 9:35. 5 drops.

Same tenderness at sockets of upper incisors when biting.

9:40. 5 drops. Sudden darting pains in right, then in left frontal

eminence, with dull heaviness in forehead, gradually increasing.

9:45. 5 drops. Sudden return of pain in frontal eminence. Fulness and

aching in ears, coming suddenly. Upper teeth all ache, and feel too


9:50. 5 drops. Beating ache in middle of forehead. Bursting pain in

right malar bone. Tingling in tip of tongue. Sudden motion increases

frontal pain.

9:55. 5 drops. Slight colicky pain at navel. Eructations of drug.

10:00. 5 drops. Same frontal pain, and brief feeling as if blood would

burst through face; this returns in a few minutes, especially about nose

and root of nose.

10:05. 5 drops. Same frontal pain, and head feels swelled. Pulse, 72.

10:10. 5 drops. Heart-beat all over head, < motion, and over


10:15. 5 drops. Splitting pain over both ears in spots the size of

silver dollar.

10:20. Must look intently to see the words; as I write, letters look

pale and eyes ache.

10:25. 5 drops. Eructations tasting of drug. Colicky pains about navel.

10:30. 5 drops. Aching in left lower molars.

10:35. 5 drops. Stabbing pain in left ear. Teeth "on edge."

10:50. All the upper jaw aches, especially at sockets of teeth and on

biting. Fulness and pressure in ears. Temples feel as if in a vise. All

symptoms < after going up stairs.

February 14th.--Again awoke early, 3 or 4 A.M., and rose at 7:30, after

a dreamful sleep, with headache. Felt better after going about. No

symptoms during day.

February 15th.--Passed restless night. Fell asleep late, with headache

at vertex--a pushing out. Awoke at 4 or 5 A.M. heavy and stupid; then

again slept.

February 17th.--5:00 A.M. Took 2-1/2 drachms.

5:02. Eructations taste of drug. Goneness in epigastrium. Pulse, 72.

Some rumbling about navel.

5:10. Head heavy; pressure at right frontal eminence, which increases to

sharp, penetrating pain, going to root of nose, then to end of nose,

where it is most severe. At root of nose, stuffed feeling, as with dry

coryza. Pain in nose gets more and more severe; restlessness succeeds;

never had such a pain; seems now all in bones of nose and worse on left

side. Forehead has ceased to ache. Pain seems to start from

supra-orbital foramen now.

5:15. Upper incisors commence to ache. Aching and bursting pain in nose

remains; nose feels swollen. Teeth "on edge." Epigastric goneness.

5:25. Sharp pain in left upper and lower molars. Pain in nose has

ceased. Bursting pain in left frontal eminence. Upper molars tender at


February 23d.--12:30. Took 6 No. 40 pills saturated with 6x dil. 2:00

P.M. Same dose. 4:20. Same. 5:00. Sharp, aching pain deep in left ear,

gradually grows worse.

5:10. Singing and dull aching in right ear.

5:15. Singing and a pushing out in left ear. Fulness of frontal

eminences; thence pains go to root of nose and nose becomes tender to

touch. Sharp pain again deep in right ear. Aching of "bridge" of nose

and of upper left molars. Hands feel numb, especially dorsal aspects.

Rumbling in bowels about navel. Pain again at root of nose. Colic deep

in pelvis; pains run down back of thigh to knees.

5:15. Pains again in frontal eminences.

5:25. Aching over eyes; feel like closing them; aching pains run up from

above left eye-tooth to eye and over face; occurs by starts and stops.

Frontal headache and pains down nose recur at intervals.

5:30. Aching, very severe, at the left side of "bridge" of nose. Sharp

stitch deep in left ear. Throbbing in vertex. Sockets of upper teeth

tender. Aching at end of nose, which feels full of blood.

5:45. 6 pellets. All pains continue as above. Brain seems loose,

< moving head. Front of head feels big.

6:00. P.M. Stabbing deep in left ear, < by pressing teeth


6:30. Various pains gradually subside.

