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Primula Obconica

NAT. ORD., Primulaceae.

COMMON NAME, Primrose var. obconica.

PREPARATION.--The entire fresh plant in flower with root is macerated in

twice its weight of alcohol.

(Dr. E. V. Ross, of Rochester, N. Y., thus summarizes the

various papers that have appeared on this remedy--sources

of papers named in his article:)

The following summary of t
e pathogenetic effects of Primula were

produced from handling and in otherwise coming in contact with the

plant, and so far as known the poisonous properties are wholly confined

to the leaves.

The effects bear a close resemblance to Anacardium, Euphorbium,

Ranunculus, Rhus, etc. It is evidently deserving of a thorough

proving, and it is our intention to attempt one as soon as a reliable

preparation can be had.

References: (1) Syme, British Medical Journal; (2) London Lancet;

(3) Homoeopathic World, March, 1892; (4) American Homoeopathist,

1897, p. 429; (5) New York Medical Journal, January, 1898, p. 68.

(1) 1. Eczema on face.

2. Eczema on face and arms.

3. Moist eczema on face and forearms, papular and


4. Severe cracking over joints and fingers as from frost.

5. Great itching of the skin.

6. Eruption appears at night.

7. Eruption and itching worse at night.

8. The itching was intolerable at night.

(2) 9. Irritable papular eruption on both hands, followed

by desquamation.

10. Papular eruption on chin.

11. Eruption of small papules on a raised base with

intolerable itching.

(3) 12. Papular eruption (eczematous) on hands, wrists

and fingers.

13. Skin red and swollen and itching violently.

14. At night she became feverish, hands and face would

burn, then intolerable itching followed by erythema with

small papules becoming pustular.

15. Papular eruption itching violently.

(4) 16. Confluent blotches on face resembling urticaria.

17. Eruption between fingers which resembles scabies.

18. Desquamation.

19. Purple blotches on dorsal surface of hands.

20. Palmar surface of hands and fingers are stiff and


21. Deep-seated blisters form on tip of each finger and

above and below each phalangeal flexure.

22. Blisters on fingers from which a clear fluid escapes

on being pricked.

23. Intense itching and burning accompanies the eruption.

(5) 24. Eruption preceded by pricking sensation which

gradually changes to a smarting.

25. Skin tumefied and diffuse infiltration with a red

serosity, with here and there small fullae filled with a

limpid liquid.

26. Eyelids greatly swollen and covered with large fullae,

eyes half closed.

27. Great tension and redness of skin resembling


28. Desquamation sometimes furfuraceous, sometimes

lamellar, involving all of the epidermic layer in such a

manner that in some places the papillary layer was


29. Eyelids stiff and immovable, resembling ptosis.

30. Dryness and heat in palms of hands.

31. Deep infiltration of tissues rendering the parts

stiff and immovable.

32. Skin symptoms accompanied by pronounced febrile


From symptoms Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 23 it would appear the time of

aggravation is at night, and the most prominent sensation is itching

and less prominent is burning. This is characteristic of the Arsenicum

eruption, also of Anacardium, Rhus tox., and some others. The

eruption also bears a strong resemblance to these remedies, and if one

may judge from the symptoms enumerated ought to prove a potent rival in

erysipelas and eczematous complaints. Rhus poisoning will no doubt

find a new and efficient remedy in Primula.

