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BARBER'S ITCH (Ringworm of the Beard)

Categories: Diseases of The Skin

Mother's Remedies. 1. Standard
Remedy for. "Plain vaselin two ounces, venice turpentine one-half ounce,

red precipitate one-half ounce. Apply locally. Great care should be taken

not to expose affected parts to cold and draughts while ointment is in

use, especially if affected surface is large." The above is a standard

remedy and will be found very effective in all cases of barber's itch. The

vaselin will assist in healing the
sores and softening up the scabs.

2. Barber's Itch, Healing Ointment for. "Plain vaselin four ounces,

sulphur two ounces, sal-ammoniac powder two drams. Mix and apply daily

after cleansing the parts thoroughly with castile soap and soda water.

This is also an almost infallible cure for common itch." The vaselin is

very good and healing, while the sulphur has a soothing effect and is a

good antiseptic.

3. Barber's Itch, Reliable Remedy for. "Citrine ointment one dram,

vaselin or cosmolin one ounce. Mix thoroughly. Wash the affected parts

clean and apply this ointment on a soft rag three times a day." This is a

standard remedy and one to be relied upon. It is very soothing and has

great healing properties.

4. Barber's Itch, Sulphur and Lard for. "Sulphur and lard mixed together

and applied three or four times a day. Have found this to be the best of

anything ever used for barber's itch." This remedy will be found very good

if the case is not very severe. If the face is covered with sores, filled

with pus and of long standing a stronger treatment should be used. See

other Mothers' Remedies, also Doctors' Treatment.

5. Barber's Itch, Cuticura Ointment for. "Apply cuticura ointment to the

sores, and as it draws out the water press a clean cloth against the sore

to absorb the water. This will generally draw the water out in three or

four days."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Barber's Itch. Pulling out the hairs or close

shaving every day. Keep the affected parts soaking with olive oil for two

successive days. The evening of the third day the shampoo is employed, the

skin is washed free from crusts and scales, shave cleanly. After shaving

bathe the parts for ten minutes with borated water, as hot as can be

borne; while this is being done, all pustules or points where there is a

mucous fluid coming out to the surface are opened with a clean needle.

Sponge freely over the affected surface with a strong solution of

hyposulphite of sodium for several minutes and not allow it to dry; this

solution may contain one dram and perhaps more to the ounce. After a

thorough and final washing with hot water, the tender skin is carefully

dried and gently smeared with a sulphur ointment containing one to two

drams of sulphur to the ounce of vaselin, often with the addition of from

one-quarter to one-half grain of mercuric sulphide. In the morning wash

the ointment off with soap and water, the sodium solution is reapplied and

a borated or salicylated powder is thoroughly dusted and kept over the

parts during the day and apply ointment at night. The shaving must be

repeated at least the next day. As soon as there are no pustules (lumps),

or they have diminished in size, the ointment at night is superseded by

the use of the dusting powder. The washing with very hot water and with

the solution hyposulphite is continued nightly, when the inflammation

excited by the parasite is limited to the follicles that are invaded.

Continue the dusting powder after the ointment is discontinued.

