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Categories: Obstetrics or Midwifery

First month. There are indications of the eyes, mouth and anus. The

extremities are rudimentary. The heart is 4/10 of an inch long.

Second month. It is now about one inch long. The eyes, nose and ears can

be distinguished. External genitals. There are suggestions of the hands

and feet.

Third month. The ovum is now the size of a goose-egg. Fingers and toes

separate, nails
look like fine membranes. The neck separates the head from

the body. The sex can now be told. Length is five inches. Weight about 460


Fourth month. Six inches long and now weighs 850 grains. Short hairs are

present. Head equal to about one-fourth entire body. May perceive


Fifth month. Ten inches long; weighs eight ounces. Eyelids begin to

separate. Heart sounds can be heard. Quickening takes place.

Sixth month. Twelve inches long; weighs 23-1/2 ounces. There is hair on

the head, eyebrows and eyelashes are present. Testicles show near the

abdominal rings (openings).

Seventh month. Fifteen inches long; weight 41-1/2 ounces. Pupillary

membrane disappears.

Eighth month. Sixteen inches long; weight 3-1/2 pounds. Left testicle has

descended into the scrotum. Nails protrude to end of finger tips.

Ninth month. Eighteen inches long; weighs 4-1/2 to 7 pounds. Features are


While this growth goes on in the embryo the womb itself shows changes. The

virgin womb averages 2-3/4 inches in length, 1-3/4 inches in width and 1

inch in thickness and weighs about 12 drams. At term (confinement) the

womb is about 14 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 9-1/2 inches thick. This

increase in size is necessary for its growing contents and is due to both

an enlargement of its tissues (hypertrophy) and to an increase in the

number of its cells (hyperplasia). The muscular fibres are elongated to

about 11 inches, and they are five times thicker than they are in a womb

that is not pregnant. The cervix or neck of the womb participates but

little in these changes, and remains practically the same until a few

weeks before confinement. It becomes softened as the result of congestion,

and the glands are more active, secreting a thick glairy mucus. The canal

also is more or less dilated.

While this process is going on in the womb, various other conditions show

themselves, sometimes in the parts of the body so distant that it may not

be easy to discover the connection with the womb. Almost any part of the

body is liable to show changes from its normal condition; and yet some of

these changes are so constant and regular as to be regarded as signs of

pregnancy. It must not be forgotten, however, that sure signs of

pregnancy, such as cannot be induced by other causes, are very limited,

especially in the early months.

Changes occur in the genital organs that may lead a physician to suspect

that pregnancy may exist; but the first symptom that attracts the

attention of the woman, is the passing of the monthly period. This is not

an absolute sign of pregnancy, since other things or conditions may cause

it. The effect of the mind upon the body may cause it, and it also occurs

sometimes in early married life without any appreciable cause, unless it

may be then due to the effect upon the nervous system of the marital

relation. Again, the monthly sickness sometimes continues in a greater or

less degree, during a part or even the whole of pregnancy. Usually this

discharge is due to some diseased condition of the cervix. The fear of

impregnation in unmarried women after illicit intercourse will

occasionally suspend menstruation for one or two months.

