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Categories: Obstetrics or Midwifery

This should consist at first of liquid, unstimulating food, given
in small quantities and frequently. If the baby does not nurse, the

liquids should be restricted. Some women on the first day can take milk,

milk toast, or if desired, dry or buttered toast with coffee, tea, weak

cocoa, according to the patient's taste. Water may be given if desired. On

the second and third days, simple soups or any of the following may be

to the dietary: Meat broths, beef tea, soft boiled or poached eggs,

raw or stewed oysters (no vinegar or spices) and some simple dessert, such

as boiled custard or junket. During the next few days, chicken (white

meat), scraped beef or mutton in small quantities, baked potato, rice and

cereals may be given and by the end of the week a gradual return to the

ordinary diet may be made. Should there be any tendency to constipation,

the bowels should be opened by a simple enema (as before stated) or

glycerin enema, etc.; or by one or more doses, 2 drams, of the compound

licorice powder repeated in three or four hours, if necessary; or a half

ounce of castor oil, or a half glass of hunyadi water. Cooked fruits for

the constipation may also be given.

