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Categories: Diseases of The Eye and Ear

The first thing we notice in looking at the eye may be the lids and at

each edge are the eyelashes. When this edge becomes inflamed it is called

Blenharitis Marginalis or inflammation of the margin of the eyelids. It is

called thus from the name of the eyelid "Blepharon;" It is always means


If we turn down the lower lid and turn up the upper, we see a red membrane

called the conjunctiva (con
ecting). This is the mucous membrane of the

eye. It lines the inner surface of both lids and is reflected over the

fore part of the Sclerotic and Cornea--two other coats of the eye, The

palpebral or eyelid portion of the conjunctiva is thick, opaque, highly

vascular (filled with blood vessels) and covered with numerous papillae.

It turns back (reflects) over the Cornea, but it consists only of a very

thin structure (epithelium) forming the anterior layer of the cornea and

is, in health, perfectly transparent. Upon the sclerotic it is loosely

attached to the globe. When the conjunctiva becomes inflamed it is called

(Conjunctiv(a)itis) conjunctivitis. The sclerotic-cornea forms the

external tunic (coat) of the eyeball, the sclerotic being opaque and

forming the posterior five-sixths of the globe; the cornea, which forms

the remaining sixth (the front white part that is plainly seen) being

transparent. The sclerotic (means dense and hard) serves to maintain the

form of the globe, the eyeball.

