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Categories: Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons

It is not possible to close the mouth. The chin
is too far forward. The jaw may turn toward the other side in one-sided


Treatment. Hold something hard between the teeth in front so that when

the jaw snaps in place your thumbs will not be bitten. A piece of wood as

thick as your fingers will do. Stand in front of the patient, who should

be sitting in a high chair. Put your thumbs in the mouth upon the lower

jaw two-thirds of the length backwards, and your forefingers directly

underneath the jaw; with the thumbs press down and with the fingers pull


Oblique Bandage of Jaw.

Medicated Cotton can readily be applied with this

style of Bandage.

Bandaging and Photograph by

DR. W. E. ZIEGENFUSS, of Detroit.

Done expressly for this book.]

Sometimes it is necessary to hold the jaw in place for some days. For that

purpose the bandage for a broken jaw can be used.

