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HOARSENESS. Inflammation of the Larynx. (Acute Laryngitis) Causes

Categories: Respiratory Diseases

Due to
taking cold or over using the voice; hot liquids, poisons. It may occur in

influenza and measles; from irritating gases; some are subject to it.

Symptoms. Tickling in the larynx; cold air irritates, and breathing may

cause some pain; dry cough; the voice may be altered. At first it may be

only husky. In children breathing may be very difficult, after a day or

two there may be a light expectoration and fin
lly there may be a loose

cough and a slight fever. The trouble is in the region of "Adam's Apple."

There is little or no danger in these attacks if proper care is taken. The

attack generally lasts two to four days.

Hoarseness, Borax for. "For hoarseness dissolve a

piece of borax the size of a pea in the mouth and don't talk. It will work

like a charm." The borax does away with the inflammation of the inflamed

parts and gives relief very quickly.

2. Hoarseness, Egg and Lemon for. "Beaten white of one egg, juice of one

lemon, with sugar enough to thicken, then add one teaspoonful olive oil."

Take one teaspoonful every hour until relieved.

3. Hoarseness, Horseradish for. "Horseradish root; eat plenty of it. This

has been tried and proved successful."

4. Hoarseness, Successful Remedy for Adults. "Take two ounces of fresh

scraped horseradish root, infuse in a close vessel in one-half pint of

cold water for two or three hours; then add four ounces of acid tincture

of lobelia and one-half pound of honey. Boil altogether for one-half hour,

strain and take a teaspoonful four times a day. This is a very good

remedy, especially for adults."

5. Hoarseness, Lemon and Sugar for Children. "Take the juice of one lemon

and saturate with sugar, take a teaspoonful several times a day. It is

sure to give relief. This is very pleasant to give to children, as they

most all like it."

