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Categories: Kidney and Bladder

This is a general enlargement of the gland
in all directions. All the three lobes may enlarge and in about one-third

of the men who have passed middle life some enlargement takes place, and

in about one-tenth of all men over fifty-five this enlargement becomes of

importance in regard to the size. The middle lobe may enlarge so much that

it may extend up into the bladder and block the opening into the urethra;

the side lobes m
y compress the urethra into a mere slit, or may lengthen

it so that the prostatic portion measures three or four inches, or may

twist and distort it so that the most flexible instrument can only be made

to pass through it with difficulty.

Symptoms. The earliest symptom may be increased frequency in passing

urine, especially at night. Soon some urine is retained in the bladder,

and this may increase so much that only an ounce or two can be passed

spontaneously, although the bladder contains one pint or more. The stream

of urine is feeble, and will drop perpendicularly towards the feet of the

patient. In some cases an inflammation of the prostate and bladder is set

up, and then the symptoms felt are very distressing. There is an almost

constant desire to pass urine; there is much pain and straining with it; a

slight bleeding may follow and night rest is broken; the general strength

fails from the continual suffering; the urine becomes foul, smells like

ammonia, and is reduced in quantity; inflammation of the kidneys develops

also; general poisoning occurs; and the patient dies of uraemia and in a

"coma" condition.

Treatment. Preventive. The patient should avoid taking cold in this

disease. Light and easily digested diet is necessary. The bowels must be

kept regular. Alcohol of any kind should not be used. The bladder should

be emptied at regular intervals. Some patients keep a catheter and "draw"

their own urine. Unless the patient takes great care, the bladder and

urethra will be irritated and perhaps infected through neglect of

cleanliness. Medicines are not very useful in severe cases. Operation is

the only reliable cure especially when some urine is always retained.

