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Indigestion and Heart-burn

Categories: Obstetrics or Midwifery

This should be treated the same as under
other conditions. Diet, habits, should be regulated. The bowels and

kidneys should be regulated and do their eliminating work. For heart-burn

the popular remedy, magnesia may be taken or dilute hydrochloric acid with

nux vomica. One teaspoonful or effervescing citrate of magnesia dissolved

in water and drank, is a convenient remedy. Also, five drops of diluted

hydrochloric acid in wate
, taken after meals, through a tube, and one or

two drops of nux vomica before meals is beneficial. The following is an

excellent combination from Dr. Hare, of Philadelphia:

Dilute Hydrochloric Acid 2 drams

Essence of Pepsin 1 ounce

Compound Tincture of Gentian enough to make 4 ounces

Mix. Take one or two teaspoonfuls in a little water with meals.

In cases where it is impossible to eat anything the patient must be fed by

the rectum. In such cases a doctor must be called. Fortunately such severe

cases are very rare. The following for rectal feeding is given by Dr.

Manton, of Detroit, and is a good combination. Give every four hours:

Liquid Beef Peptonoids 3 drams

White of an Egg

Whisky 3 drams

Beef Tea or Warm Water enough to make 3 ounces

The rectum should be washed out once or twice daily in the interval

between the feeding.

