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Categories: Diseases of The Eye and Ear

The retina is a very delicate structure and we are often able

to diagnose Bright's disease from the peculiar effect it produces upon the


Causes. The cause is usually Bright's disease, (nephritis) and usually

the chronic Interstitial variety. Pregnancy causes it sometimes.

Interference of the vision, sight, is what the patient complains of. This

may be very slight, when you consider the great chang
s occurring in the

retina. Such patients are subject to attacks of temporary blindness of

uremic origin. The vessels of the retina are swollen and tortuous.

Bleeding and shining white patches are scattered through the back part of

the eye and a peculiar arrangement of glistening white dots around the

yellow spot. This disease shows itself late in Bright's disease and the

patient is not likely to live more than two years after the appearance of

this eye lesion.

Treatment. It sometimes occurs during pregnancy. Then the question of

inducing premature labor arises. There is no local treatment that can be

of any use when it is caused by Bright's disease.

FITTING GLASSES. This is done by lenses and prisms, etc.

