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Categories: Infectious Diseases

In typical cases this begins with slight
difficulty in swallowing, and reddened throat (pharynx), then there is a

general congestion of these parts, and membrane is seen on the tonsils. It

is grayish white, then dull or yellowish; adherent and when removed it

leaves a bleeding surface upon which a fresh membrane quickly forms. If

the disease runs on, in a few days the membrane covers the tonsils and

pillars of the fauces, often the uvula. The glands around the neck often

enlarge. Temperature 102 to 103 degrees. Pulse 100 to 120. The

constitutional symptoms are usually in proportion to the local condition,

but not always. The membrane frequently extends into the nostrils and

frequently there is a burning discharge. In malignant cases all the

symptoms are severe and rapidly progressive ending in stupor and death in

three to five days. Death may occur from sudden heart failure or


[Illustration: Diphtheria (view of infected throat)]

