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Categories: Kidney and Bladder

This is an inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney and may be
caused by bacteria from the blood, or by ascending pus, infection or

tuberculous infection from the lower tracts like the ureter, bladder and


Symptoms. There is pain in the back, with tenderness and pressure,

cloudy-looking urine, either acid or alkaline, containing pus, mucus, and

sometimes red blood cells; chills, high fever, and sweating occur. This

may become chronic and then it becomes quite serious. Anemia and

emaciation are then marked. Mild cases usually recover; pus cases may end

in other diseases or death from exhaustion.

Treatment. Diet. In mild cases fluids should be taken freely,

particularly the alkaline mineral water to which citrate of potash can be

added. Tonics should be given when called for, and milk diet and

buttermilk may be taken freely. When a tumor has formed, and even before,

it is perceptible, if the symptoms are serious and severe, an operation

may be necessary.

