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Categories: Animal Parasites

(Taenia Saginata). This is a larger and longer parasite
than the Pork Tape Worm. It is the common form found in this country. It

may grow fifteen to twenty feet or more and possesses a large head in

comparison with the Taenia Solium. It is square shaped and has four large

sucking disks, but no hooklets. The ripe segments are larger and they are

passed as in the Taemia Solium, and are eaten by cattle, in the flesh or

organs of
which the eggs develop into the Cysticerci.

Symptoms. These worms (parasites) are found at all ages. They are not

uncommon in children, and may be found in nursing children. They may cause

excessive appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain or

sometimes anemia. The knowledge of the presence of this worm may cause

great nervousness or depression. The presence of the segment in the stools

proves their presence in the bowels.

Treatment, preventive. This is most important. Careful attention should

be given to three points: First, all tapeworm segments should be burned.

They should never be thrown into the water-closet or outside; secondly,

special inspection of all meat; and, thirdly, cooking the meat

sufficiently to kill the parasites.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Tape Worms, Pumpkin Seed Tea for. "One pint

pumpkin seeds skinned and steeped. Add water enough to make three

tumblers. Take one tumbler every half hour, then a good dose of castor

oil. The worm will come with oil. My mother helped prepare the seeds and

saw the tapeworm which came from a woman as a result of this dose."

2. Tape Worms, Another good Remedy for.

"Powdered Kamala 3 drams

Syrup simple 3 ounces

Two doses of this mixture hardly ever fails to bring the worm. Give oil

and turpentine two hours after the last dose." Of the oil and turpentine

an average dose would be a half ounce of castor oil and fifteen drops of


3. Tape Worm, Ontario Mother's Remedy for. "Don't eat until very hungry

(extremely so), then eat one-half pint of pumpkin seeds. This is good and

will remove the worm every time." This remedy is different from the above

in that you eat the seeds instead of making a tea.

4. Tape Worm, Successful Remedy for Children or Adult.

"Turpentine 15 drops

Castor Oil 1 teaspoonful

Milk 1 teacupful

Mix and for adult take at one dose. If not successful repeat the next day.

For child under ten years, one-half the quantity."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT. Preparing the Patient; Giving the Remedy, and

Receiving the Worm. Whenever a round or tape worm is to be attacked, the

patient must be starved for at least twelve to twenty-four hours, in order

that no food in the intestinal (bowel) tract may protect the worm from the

action of the drug. During this time a little milk can be given, and after

a night of fasting, before breakfast, the worm medicine (anthelmintic)

must be swallowed. In addition, nearly all the drugs must be followed by

purges in order to dislodge the intruder while he is paralyzed and has

lost his hold; and in many it is well to have a basin of salt and water

ready so that when a passage occurs a rectal injection may be given to

wash out the segments of the worm which remain in the rectum. I am giving

many remedies and the different ways of administering them. Not every one

can be cured with the same remedy. One will act better in some people than

in others. So I give a variety and they are all good.

1. For two days prior to the administration of the remedies the patient

should take a very light, diet and have the bowels moved by a saline

(salts) cathartic. As a rule the male fern acts promptly and well. The

etheral extract of male fern in two dram doses may be given; fast, and

follow in the course of a couple of hours by a brisk purgative; that is,

calomel followed by salts.

Fasting means this: Light diet for a day or two and a cathartic at night,

no supper except a glass of milk before the worm medicine is given. Then

at bed-time take two to three grains of calomel with ten grains of

bicarbonate of sodium; rochelle salts, one-half to one ounce, upon

awakening. As soon as the bowels have moved give oleorisin of aspidium,

one dram in capsules. A saline cathartic should be given one-half to one

hour later. Never give castor oil or any oil after this remedy, When

calomel is given it should be given about one hour after taking the worm

medicine and followed in one or one and one-half hours by a half to one

ounce of salts.

2. Pelletierine Remedy for. This comes in bottles of the proper dose. It

is dear, but effective. It must be taken lying down, and followed by some

cathartic or a dose of epsom salts in two hours after taking.

3. Infusion and Emulsion for. An infusion of

Pomegranate root 1/2 ounce

Pumpkin seeds 1 ounce

Powdered ergot 1 dram

Boiling water 10 ounces

To an emulsion of the male fern (a dram of the ethereal extract) made with

acacia powders, two drops of croton oil are added. The patient should have

had a low diet on the previous day and have taken a dose of salts in the


The emulsion and infusion are mixed and taken at nine in the morning. If

the bowels do not move in two hours, salts should be taken.

4. An Old Remedy. Chew freely of slippery elm bark. This, it is stated,

is very effective and as it is cheap and will not injure, it is worth a

thorough trial. I am often surprised at the value of the seemingly simple


