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Categories: Circulatory System

This term means an enlarged, elongated, tortuous,
knotty condition of the veins. The term "varicose veins" is restricted in

general use to the veins of the extremities, and especially those

belonging to the lower extremity. The disease begins with a slow dilation

of the vein, which gradually becomes thickened and tortuous. The inner

lining membrane or coat of the vein is altered, the valves are shortened

and thus rendered insufficient to support the column of blood. The outer

coat becomes thickened. The varicose conditions affect chiefly the

superficial veins.

Predisposing Causes. They are most frequent in the female sex. The

tendency increases as the age advances. Obstruction. Anything that

obstructs the full return of blood in the veins, as tight garters below

the knee, etc. Standing work may bring it on.

Exciting Causes. Tumors in the pelvis; diseases of the heart and lungs;

pregnancy. These all obstruct the full return of blood in the veins.

