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Categories: Diseases of The Nervous System

Women who suffer from womb troubles such as leucorrhea,
torn cervix, falling womb displacements and diseases of the inner womb,

ovaries and tubes, suffer from all kinds of headache. The pain may be in

the nape of the neck, the back part of the head and on the top behind

(occiput). It may come on suddenly when the womb is displaced by a sudden

fall or over-lifting, etc. The woman should then go to bed and lie down

with her arms crossed over her chest, with the knees drawn up and weight

resting upon them and chest with the buttocks elevated, (knee-chest-

position). This replaces the womb. The other troubles should be corrected

or these headaches will keep on. The womb and its appendages are the cause

of many kinds of headaches, neuralgias, dyspepsia, and constipation;

correct the troubles and the headache will disappear.

