A Typical Diseased Colon
Colon Cleansing
How And When To Be Your Own Doctor
The average person also has a prolapsed (sagging) transverse colon,
and a distorted misplaced ascending and descending colon. I took a
course in colon therapy before purchasing my first colonic machine.
The chiropractor teaching the class required all of his patients
scheduled for colonics to take a barium enema followed by an X-ray
of their large intestine prior to having colonics and then make
subsequent X-rays after
each series of 12 colonics. Most of his
patients experienced so much immediate relief they voluntarily took
at least four complete series, or 48 colonics, before their X-rays
began to look normal in terms of structure. It also took about the
same number, 48 colonics, for the patients to notice a significant
improvement in the function of the colon. In reviewing over 10,000
X-rays taken at his clinic prior to starting colonics, the
chiropractor had seen only two normal colon X-rays and these were
from farm boys who grew up eating simple foods from the garden and
doing lots of hard work.
The X-rays showed that it took a minimum of 12 colon treatments to
bring about a minimal but observable change in the structure of the
colon in the desired direction, and for the patient to begin to
notice that bowel function was improving, plus the fact that they
started to feel better.