Action Of The Sitz-bath Explained
Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms
The _sitz-bath_ acts in a direct manner upon the abdominal organs and
the spine, and through the latter on the brain. Indirectly, it helps in
removing the inflammatory and congestive symptoms in the throat and
head, by cooling the blood, which circulates through the parts immersed
in the water, and by doing so cools also the upper parts of the body,
equalizes the temperature, and diminishes the volume of the mass of the
blood, thus making its circulation easier, _whilst it has no tendency to
impede the action of the skin_. Besides, the abstraction of electricity,
by the sitz-bath, should be taken in account of its action. After the
sitz-bath, the reaction takes place in those parts which were immersed
in the water, thereby making the relief of the upper parts more lasting.