Armpit Swelling
Papers On Health
Often this comes as the result of a chill, or of
enfeeblement of the system from various causes. In the early stage,
such a swelling should not be treated so as to develop a sore.
Treatment with iodine is to be avoided.
The first thing, in this early stage, is to increase vital action in
the part, and also in the whole system (see Abscess). Moist heat is
to be applied. Make a BRAN POULTICE (see), which sh
uld come right
round from over the spine, over the swelling, and over the whole
shoulder. Let this be kept hot for an hour at least. If it can be thus
applied twice a day without too much fatigue, do so. If the swelling
softens and becomes less under this treatment, a few cold cloths may be
applied to brace the part and aid its vitality. Do not, on any account,
make the patient shiver. If the swelling increases and becomes
discoloured, keep to the hot treatment until it bursts and discharges.
For treatment then, see Abscess; Wounds.
During all this treatment the whole back should be gently rubbed daily
with warm olive oil for half an hour, if as much can be borne.