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Sources: Papers On Health

If this grain is well grown and thoroughly well cooked, it

will be found to be one of the best foods for restoring an exhausted

digestive system.

Take two or three handfuls of "pot" barley; boil this in water for two

hours at least, thoroughly to burst the grain; then water and grain

together are turned into a suitable dish, and placed, covered over, in

the oven, where it may simmer for another two hours. When turned out,

it may be salted to taste. After the four hours' cooking, the grain and

water are a kind of barley pudding. A dessertspoonful of this every

half-hour, from eight in the morning till eight at night, will help

wonderfully a weak stomach, if taken as the only diet. This is what

is meant when "barley pudding" is prescribed in these articles.

