Bile On The Stomach
Papers On Health
Take half a teacupful of hot water every ten
minutes for ten hours. Next day take the same every twenty minutes for
a like period. The third day the same every hour. For ten days after
take the same before each meal. We have seen a case of liver complaint
of more than twenty years' standing cured thus. See also that the feet
and legs are rendered healthful, and kept so. If cold and clammy, they
should be bathed in hot water for five minutes or so, dried, and rubbed
with warm olive oil.
Care must be taken also to give a simple diet. Oatmeal jelly, wheaten
meal porridge, barley pudding (see Barley), and such foods, should
form the staple nourishment. Avoid eggs, butter, cream, and beef. See
also Sea-Sickness.