Bone Soft
Papers On Health
Often, in the young, the bones are so soft that they bend
more or less, and the beginning of a distressing deformity appears.
In such a case plaster jackets and steel bands are of little use, and
often very painful. It is better to use bandages, applied so as to
support where that is necessary. Also avoid all long sitting, such as
is found at school. It is best sometimes not to permit the child to
walk at
all. Better far to lose two years of schooling than to be
deformed for life. Parents should see to it, with all weakly children,
that school does not become a means of trouble. Continuous education is
not nearly so important as is sometimes supposed.
For positive treatment, let the parts be well and carefully rubbed
(see Massage) every day with olive oil, in such a way as to direct a
flow of blood to the feeble bone. It must largely be left to the
healer's common sense how this is to be done, but a little thought will
show how. At many Hydropathic Establishments it may be learned.
This careful rubbing, with good diet and proper bandaging, will
gradually effect a cure in most cases. But here, as elsewhere, patience
must rule. Plenty of good porridge and milk, with abundance of fresh
air, work wonders in this disease.