Bowels Glands Of
Papers On Health
Symptoms of glandular trouble in the bowels
are--weariness and pallor, lack of appetite, softness and shrinking of
limbs, with swelling of the belly. In its earlier stages, before
consumption sets in, this trouble may be perfectly cured. We have seen
even apparently hopeless cases recover under proper treatment. In its
essence the trouble is a failure of power in the nervous centres upon
which health of the bowels depe
ds. To supply this needed power, take a
small bag of cotton cloth, like a little pillow-slip, of just the size
to cover the patient's whole back. Fill this with bran, prepared as for
poultice (see Bran Poultice). Oil the back before applying this, and
place, if needed, four ply or so of cloth on the back to moderate the
heat to the skin. After half-an-hour, if the patient feels desirous,
renew for another hour; do this each day at bedtime for a week at
least. Rub the body all over with warm olive oil when this is taken
off; then place a bandage with only a gentle tightness in such a way as
just to help the relaxed bowels, but only just so much--not by any
means to try and force them into what might be thought proper
dimensions. Give a teaspoonful of liquorice mixture (see
Constipation) thrice a day before meals in a little hot water. Feed on
wheaten porridge and generally light diet, being careful to regulate it
so as to make the bowels work easily and naturally. If not too bad a
case, this treatment will soon tell favourably. Enemas (see) of
either cold or warm water, as required, will also greatly help.