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Bread Wheaten

Sources: Papers On Health

In some cases the bran in whole wheaten bread and

Saltcoats biscuits is found to irritate the stomach and bowels. As diet

for those able to digest the bran, nothing is better. Where it cannot

be digested, ordinary bakers' bread boiled in water to soft pap is

found to make a good substitute. This must not be boiled with milk

unless where there is diarrhoea to be cured, as milk tends to produce

bile and costiveness. Oatm
al jelly (see Food in Illness) is also a

good substitute for biscuits and wheaten bread.

Often the water with which bread is baked causes it to be difficult of

digestion. Hard water is bad for this. For an invalid, bread baked with

distilled water, or pure rain water, is often a means of great comfort

and help. A slight admixture of pure CANE SYRUP (see) or liquorice

juice in the water will tend to prevent bile and costiveness. A

sufficient action of the bowels is of great importance for where good

nutrition is desired.

Bread, especially when fresh, is made much more digestible by slowly

toasting it in the oven till it is a golden brown throughout. It is

then known as "zweibach" (twice baked). When eaten dry, it requires

considerable mastication, and for that reason is much better than soft

bread. It can be also broken up and eaten with hot milk and sugar.

