Breath And Blood
Papers On Health
Often difficulty of breathing, especially in close
air, mistaken even for asthma, is due simply to the quality of blood
supplied to the lungs. Sometimes giving up the use of sugar effects a
cure, for sugar produces an excess of carbon in the blood, which
requires an excess of oxygen in the lungs to purify it. Thus breathing
is difficult, especially where oxygen is deficient in the air breathed.
Sometimes the lungs are
ot strong enough to stand the necessary fresh
air required in such cases, or other troubles may prevent a delicate
person from exposing themselves. Then it is of importance so to
regulate the diet that less oxygen will do all that is needed in the
lungs. "Rich" food, much fatty matter, sugar, and all sweets and
sweetened things, are to be avoided. If this be done, the need for much
oxygen disappears, and the patient will have no difficulty of breathing
in suitably ventilated places.
But the best treatment is hot oil rubbing along the spine, over the
stomach, and even down the limbs to the ankles. An hour of this every
day will work wonders. Or a large BRAN POULTICE (see) may be laid
across the back for an hour twice a day. Cultivate also all cheerful
thoughts, and banish sad ones as far as possible. Sad thoughts greatly
diminish nerve power.