Breathing And Bronchia
Papers On Health
The bronchia are the branching small tubes
which lead from the windpipe to all parts of the lungs. Two different
states of these often pass as bronchitis. In one of these the tubes are
swelled, congested, and full of fiery heat. The whole body is also
fevered, and breathing is difficult, with cough. This is true
BRONCHITIS (see). But often, with difficult breathing and irritating
cough, there is no heat and fever. In this case bronchitis treatment
gives no relief. This is, indeed, only an irritated state of the lining
of the tubes, and far from dangerous. A change of climate to a drier
atmosphere will often entirely cure it. Often also a time spent in a
room, where the air is kept dry but fresh, and at one steady
temperature of about 60 deg., will cure. Our chief purpose in
mentioning it, however, is that this comparatively slight trouble may
not be mistaken for true bronchitis.