Breathing In Going Uphill
Papers On Health
See Breath, and Nerve.
British Cholera is to a certain extent epidemic--that is, it affects a
large number of people in a particular place, being, it is believed,
conveyed mainly by the common house flies. War should be waged against
these, and great care taken to guard food, especially that of children,
against them, by using covers, etc. If this were done the appalling
death-rate in summer
from this disease among the young would be largely
reduced. Typhoid fever and other diseases are probably also spread by
flies. Care should be taken to remove promptly all refuse from about
the house, and so prevent flies breeding on it.
In ordinary diarrhoea, injections of cold water by the enema will
usually cure, especially if a little vinegar or a few drops of acetic
acid be added to the water. But in British Cholera this proves
This is not an affection of merely one part of the system, but of the
whole. If, then, you brace with the cold enema one part, no doubt so
far you do good and not harm, but you cannot by this, cure an affection
of the whole system. British Cholera is a sweating from the surfaces of
the whole alimentary organs. This internal sweat flows into the stomach
and causes vomiting, and into the bowels causing purging that cannot be
stayed by any application to the lower part merely.
The problem to be solved is how to give more life force. Whenever the
injection of cold water fails, and especially when it rather increases
the complaint, and vomiting or sickness shows that the attack is of the
nature of British Cholera, you will do well to pack feet and legs in a
good blanket fomentation. Put a little olive oil on before and after
such a packing. One application may be sufficient; but it may be
necessary to repeat the packing. Give frequent sips of hot water. It
will be well also to use the cold injection, as it will be found to
take good effect whenever the vital force has been increased by the hot
packing. If cramp has shown itself, it will be needful to cool the
spinal nerves (see Angina Pectoris), but this only when you are
effectually heating the limbs.
The first injection may be followed by even an excessive motion, but if
that is followed up with another injection still of cold water, there
will be nothing experienced after but perfect comfort, and no more
trouble with the bowels.
The violent irritation that follows after a very simple over-action of
the lower bowel is quite prevented when this remedy is effectually
used. In less severe cases, where fermentation of food is the cause of
the disease, frequently a dessertspoonful of castor oil, or other
simple purgative, will prove sufficient to cure.
Brandy often gets the credit of curing in such cases. It does so simply
because the cases in which it kills are not taken into account. It
always lessens vital energy, and in British Cholera increase of this
is urgently required.