Papers On Health
Where we prescribe this, either for drinking or for
external use in poultices or bathing, it is very important it should be
pure and fresh. If kept too long, it causes often terrible pain when
applied to eruptive sores. There must be no "watering" or doctoring
with cream of tartar, if good results are desired. If the milk be too
long kept, and cannot be had fresh, it may be mixed with a little sweet
milk and all churne
well together. Then it may be used. If still
painful, mix again with more sweet milk. To soak diseased skin in good
fresh buttermilk is so powerful a means of cure, that to procure it a
good deal of trouble is well spent. It is also invaluable as a daily
drink for regulating the bowels, and maintaining health. Sterilise all
sweet milk used.
If buttermilk cannot be had, acetic acid or vinegar, or the juice of
lemons, may be mixed with sweet milk or even water, until the mixture
attains about the usual sourness of buttermilk. This makes an efficient