Papers On Health
These occur in hands and feet where the circulative power
is feeble, either from weakness or from tight pressure of boots or
gloves. The cold has power, owing to lack of circulation, to partly
kill the skin, which thus becomes painfully inflamed, and swells. To
increase and maintain circulation in the part is to cure it. In the
early stages, when heat and itching are felt, a good rubbing with hot
olive oil and cayenne
ea will often cure. But if this fail, pack the
foot or hand in cloths soaked with vinegar. If the pain is great, place
the packed foot or hand in hot water for a few minutes or more. After
this immersion repack with vinegar-soaked cloths, cover well up with
dry flannel, and wear this packing all night. In cases where weakness
is the root of the trouble, rub the back once a day with hot oil until
a glow of heat arises all over it. Do this daily for a fortnight at
least. Where tight boots or gloves are the cause, these must be
discarded for more easily fitting ones.