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Children In Fever

Sources: Papers On Health

Fevered children, whether in any actual fever, as

scarlet, typhoid, or any other, or merely heated from some minor

ailment, should be treated as under Fever. Have two small towels, wring

them tightly out of cold water, fold one gently round the head. Press

it gently all round and over the head. It will be heated in one minute

in some cases, longer in others. Change it for the other then, and

proceed alternately till th
head is cooled. Perhaps that may take

half-an-hour. The time will be less for a young infant, more for a boy

or girl in their teens. Common sense, and an examination of the pulse,

will guide as to the proper time. The head is the chief consideration

in this treatment, but attention to the state of the stomach and bowels

is also very important. Any indigestible substance must be removed, and

sips or small drinks of hot water will greatly help in this, as well as

proper medicine. Castor oil is a good, simple drug for ordinary cases.

If there is coldness in the feet in such fevered cases, a fomentation

may be applied over the legs, or even up to the haunches. This will

greatly reinforce the cooling of the head, and prevent any possible

chill. The water used for cooling should be about 50 deg. F., or at

least near that temperature, in the case of infants. Water which has

stood some time in an ordinary room will do excellently. It should

neither be icy nor warm. Typhoid fever itself has been cured with this

head cooling alone.

