Children's Swellings
Papers On Health
Sometimes these occur as merely relaxed tissue
full of blood. In this case everything about the part seems right and
healthy except the swelling. The skin is right and the temperature
also. Treatment such as restores nerve energy will usually cure these
(see Children's Nerves). In other cases the tumour will be full of
watery waste, or there may be a simple dropsical swelling owing to
failure in kidney action. This las
is usually easily cured. It ought
never to be "tapped," as this draws off the strength desired. A simple
FOUR-PLY BANDAGE (see) of new flannel worn round the body will often
be enough to cure infants of even dropsical tumours. In other cases
this is used in conjunction with the bran poultice and rubbing
recommended above for cases of nerve failure.
Wherever the swelling is, increase the vital force that supplies the
gland, and so you will cure the whole evil at its source. Many will
tell you to "purify the blood," but there is no blood purifier like the
system which God himself has provided, in the organs of the body made
for the purpose. Only increase the action of these, and you will have
pure everything as well as pure blood. You will do it by good
fomentation, by good rubbing, by judicious clothing, and also by wise
feeding. You will do it to some extent even by good kind words. You
will help the process by good, clean washing, such as warm vinegar
gives over a weakened surface. You will scarcely fail to gain your end
if you use these means in time.