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Sources: Papers On Health

(1) Nerve or imaginary chills. These are feelings of cold,

where there is no real chilling; the back feels as if cold water were

poured down it, or even the whole body feels chilled, when an

examination will show that there is no real chill whatever. Nervous

patients are peculiarly liable to this, and often are greatly alarmed

at it. The treatment in such cases is partly mental; let the patient

know that the chilly fee
ing is only a feeling, and nothing alarming.

This will often of itself remove it; so will a cheery thought or a

cheery talk. Physical treatment may begin with such a rubbing of the

head as is recommended in Eyes, Squinting. Then treat the whole body to

a gentle massage on similar principles. This will sometimes cause nerve

chills at first to increase; but the patient will soon disregard this,

and the squeezing very gently of the muscles will stimulate and revive

the organic nerves. Warm olive oil used in this squeezing process will

help greatly. It may be that a considerable time will be required

before these nerve states are entirely overcome, but with anything like

careful treatment they will gradually be so. Keep the patient warm in

bed the while. Give easily assimilated food (see Assimilation). A

mixture of milk and boiling water in equal quantities may be freely

taken. This treatment will besides greatly help nervousness of every


(2) In the case of real chill to the surface of the body, shivering

is an early symptom. If the frame is strong, the shiver may pass off

and no evil results follow: but frequently this is not the case, and

trouble is apt to intervene. In such a case give a thorough rubbing all

over the body, and especially the back and chilled part, with warm

olive oil; this, if applied early enough, will probably prevent all ill

consequences,--it will at least mitigate them. If the chill has passed

into feverishness however, this treatment will not suit; but we only

deal here with the cold shivering stage. The rubbing will be greatly

assisted by a good hot fomentation to the feet, or even up to the

haunches. The use of Kneipp linen underwear, by promoting a healthy

action of the skin, and rapidly conducting away the perspiration from

its surface, will do much to prevent chills, either real or imaginary.

See Angina Pectoris, Underwear, Massage.

