Cold Affusions And Rubbing
Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms
After the pack, the patient is placed in an empty bathing or wash-tub,
and cold water (of 65 deg.-60 deg. Fahr., only with very young and delicate
children a little higher, with adults rather lower) is thrown over him
in quick succession by means of a dipper, whilst he is well rubbed all
over his body, especially the extremities. Not too much water should be
poured over the head; however, the head should be always wetted first.
This process should not last longer than a minute or two, except the
patient continue very warm during it, in which case it should be
prolonged, as the perfect cooling of the body is necessary to prevent
the fever from coming on soon after and the patient continuing weak.
After the bath, he should be rubbed dry, first with the bare hands of
the attendants, and then with a dry sheet, and put to bed again, or, if
he feel inclined to stay up, dressed warmly and be induced to walk about
as long as he can.