Conclusion: Help Yourselves If Your Physicians Will Not Help You!
Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms
And I am none of your water-enthusiasts, who pretend to cure everything
and any thing with water. My confidence in the hydriatic treatment of
eruptive fevers, however, is almost unlimited, because it is founded on
an experience of many years of happy results with scarcely any
exception, and on the fact that no other method can show a similar
I have always been considered an honest man, dear reader
and always
anxious to serve my fellow-men; and what selfish view could I have in
thus attempting to persuade you to save your children's lives by
adopting my method of treatment? I shall neither make friends with the
members of the profession by thus exciting you to rebel against the old
routine, nor shall I augment the number of the patients of my
establishment; for we cannot very well carry patients with scarlet-fever
and small-pox to a distant institution. Believe me, I have no other
object in publishing this pamphlet, than that of saving the life and
health of as many human beings as possible, which otherwise would
perish. In publishing this pamphlet, I intend to perform a sacred duty,
without any regard to making a pleasant or unpleasant impression upon
my brother physicians, and consequently without any regard to my own
The fact that I exposed my own youngest children, the pleasure, and the
support _in spe_, of my declining age, to the contagion of scarlatina,
during an epidemic which had rather a malignant character, proves more
than any thing my honest confidence in my own remedy. Ask your
physician, if he is adverse to the hydriatic method, whether he knows a
remedy in which he has so much confidence as to be willing to imitate my
example. There is no such remedy in the apothecary's shop, and there is
no physician who would expose his own children to the contagion of
scarlatina from the confidence he has in the curative or protective
powers _of any drug_.
I hope, my brother-physicians will believe me, when I assure them, that
I do not mean any disrespect to the profession, in thus introducing a
new sound method for the weak old routine. Perhaps, my exposition of the
principles of my practice, and the attempt at a systematic arrangement
of the materials at my disposal, may gain a few converts. If I am not
mistaken, this pamphlet is the first that treats the subject
systematically and to some extent. I am aware that it might be better
written and more perfect. But, I trust that it will do some good, and
hope it will pave the way for a better production, based on a more
extensive practice and enriched with new discoveries on the part of
American physicians, whose genius and activity are not inferior to those
of any other nation.
When the Hydriatic System becomes more and more a part of the practice
of educated and enlightened practitioners, it will become a much greater
benefit to the human race, not only with regard to the cure of eruptive
fevers, but of that of all diseases to which it can be adapted, beside
the happy reform it will assist in bringing about in our effeminate and
luxurious way of living, which, at all times, has been a source of ruin
for individuals, families and nations.
But as long as the profession continues in its old routine, I can give
you no other advice than that of following my prescriptions and of
helping yourselves:--
"Aide-toi, et le ciel t'aidera!"