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A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication
Treat croup, whether membranous or spasmodic, much the same as is
prescribed for diphtheria, only, in the latter part of the form, treat
Coronary Sclerosis
Constipation Of Bowels
This disease may proceed from either a negative condition--a state of atony from lack of nutrition, or a partial paralysis of the bowels--or from a positive condition--a state of relaxation and consequent weakness of the muscular tissues of the bowe...
Continuation Of Packs Convalescence
Whether the eruption appear or not, the packs should be continued during the whole course of the disorder, and as long as the throat continues troublesome; and one pack and bath a day should be given during some ten or twelve days, after every sympt...
There is no absolute contraindication to careful esophagoscopy for the removal of foreign bodies, even in the presence of aneurism, serious cardiovascular disease, hypertension or the like, although these conditions would render the procedure inadvi...
Contraindications To Direct Laryngoscopy
There are no absolute contraindications to direct laryngoscopy in any case where direct laryngoscopy is really needed for diagnosis or treatment. In extremely dyspneic patients, if the operator is not confident in his ability for a prompt and sure ...
Contraindications To Esophagoscopy
In the presence of aneurysm, advanced organic disease, extensive esophageal varicosities, acute necrotic or corrosive esophagitis, esophagoscopy should not be done except for urgent reasons, such as the lodgment of a foreign body; and in this case ...
I KNOW a woman who says that if she wants to get her father's consent to anything, she not only appears not to care whether he consents or not, but pretends that her wishes are exactly opposite to what they really are. She says it never fail...
When compensation has been restored, the patient may be allowed gradually to resume his usual habits and work, provided these habits are sensible, and the work is not one requiring severe muscular exertion. Careful rules and regulations must be laid...
Convulsions Of Children - Fits
These generally occur, either from the irritation of worms, or as precursors of ague, or they may arise from diarrhoeal irritation, affecting the brain. They sometimes occur in hooping cough. If convulsions occur from worms, the child appearing to...
Why We Cook our Food. While some of all classes of food may be eaten raw, yet we have gradually come to submit most of our foods to the heat of a fire, in various ways; this process is known as cooking. While cooking usually wastes a little, and s...
Copy Of Certificate
These may Inform all whom it might Concern, that Mr. John Kaighin, of the Province of West New Jersey, hath lived with me (here under named) a considerable time, as a Disciple, to learn the Arts and Mysteries of Chymistry, Phys...
Cornus Sericea
will often cure malignant ulcers both of the breast and uterus, used as a wash. ...
Coronary Sclerosis
While disease of the coronary arteries may occur without general arteriosclerosis, it is so frequently associated with it that it is necessary to give a brief description of the general disease. Arteriosclerosis or arteriocapillary fibrosis is rea...
Treat croup, whether membranous or spasmodic, much the same as is prescribed for diphtheria, only, in the latter part of the form, treat less. ...
This is a disease of children. Comes on in consequence of a sudden cold. Children suffering from Hooping Cough are more subject to it. The cough is of a peculiar whistling kind, like the crowing of a young chicken, with rattling in the throat and di...
Cuprum Aceticum
(_Acetate of Copper Verdigris_) applied to _Cancerous_ ulcers of the face, _Lupus_ or _Noli-me-tangere_, in the early stage, will in most cases effect a perfect cure, especially if for a week previously the part has been wet daily with _tr. Thuja_. ...
Curing With Enemas
It is not wise to continue regular colonics or enemas once a detoxification program has been completed and you have returned to a maintenance diet. The body should be allowed its regular functioning. But because enemas immediately lower the toxic...
The prognosis is very uncertain. This infirmity is often cured by our system, even when of long standing; and often, again, the treatment fails. The uncertainty arises from the difficulty in determining the exact pathological derangement. Take th...
When the tracheal incision is placed below the first ring, no difficulty in decannulation should result from the operation per se. When by temporarily occluding the cannula with the finger it is evident that the laryngeal aperture has regained suffi...
Decannulation After Cure Of Laryngeal Stenosis
In order to train the patient to breathe again through the larynx it is necessary to occlude the cannula. This is best done by inserting a rubber cork in the inner cannula. At first it may be necessary to make a slot in the cork so as to permit some...
To understand the physiology, pathology and the best treatment for broken compensation, it is necessary to study the physics of the circulation under the different conditions. With the mitral valve insufficient, a greater or less amount of blood is ...
Deformities Of The Prostate Distortions And Obstructions Of The Prostatic Urethra
The prostate is liable to such frequent and varied deformities, the consequence of diseased action, whilst, at the same time, its healthy function (if it have any) in the male body is unknown, that it admits at least of one interpretation which may,...
Deformities Of The Urinary Bladder The Operations Of Sounding For Stone Of Catheterism And Of Puncturing The Bladder Above The Pubes
The urinary bladder presents two kinds of deformity--viz., congenital and pathological. As examples of the former may be mentioned that in which the organ is deficient in front, and has become everted and protruded like a fungous mass through an ope...
Demonstrations Of The Nature Of Congenital And Infantile Inguinal Herniae And Of Hydrocele
PLATE 39. Fig. 1--The descent of the testicle from the loins to the scrotum.--The foetal abdomen and scrotum form one general cavity, and are composed of parts which are structurally identical. The cutaneous, fascial, muscular, and membranous layers...
Demonstrations Of The Origin And Progress Of Femoral Hernia Its Diagnosis The Taxis And The Operation
PLATE 45, Fig. 1.--The point, 3, from which an external inguinal hernia first progresses, and the part, 5, within which the femoral hernia begins to be formed, are very close to each other. The inguinal hernia, 3, arising above, 5, the crural arch, ...