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Sources: An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art

This is a disease of children. Comes on in consequence of a sudden cold.

Children suffering from Hooping Cough are more subject to it. The cough

is of a peculiar whistling kind, like the crowing of a young chicken,

with rattling in the throat and difficult breathing, fever is present,

and often very violent. It is properly an inflammation of the Larynx,

but the inflammation may also exist in the Pharynx, the tonsils may be
/> involved, and it may extend to the trachia, (wind pipe). A false

membrane forms in the larynx if the disease is not arrested, and so

obstructs the breathing as to cause death from suffocation.


Give at first _Aconite_, _Phosphoric Acid_, and _Spongia_, giving them

in the order here named once in ten minutes in a very violent case, and

as the patient improves at intervals of half an hour, and then an hour.

Should the fever subside, and still the tightness in the throat and

cough continue to be troublesome, give _Ipecac_ in place of Aconite. And

when the cough seems to be deep seated use _Bryonia_ instead of spongia.

The patient should be kept in a warm room, and free from exposure to

currents of cold air. The application of a cloth wrung out of cold or

ice water to the throat, covered immediately with dry warm flannels so

as to exclude the air from the wet cloth, will often exert a decidedly

beneficial effect, and there is no danger if managed as here directed.

The feet should be kept warm and the head cool, but _don't_ put _cold_

water on a child's head.

