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Douche Cold

Sources: Papers On Health

In its most powerful form this is a solid stream of

water directed down on the patient's shoulders and spine. It may be

applied either by an apparatus fixed up for the purpose, or by merely

pouring from a watering-can without a rose. Its power depends on the

great heating in the skin which springs up when it is withdrawn. This

heating power again depends on the strong shock given to the system

when it is applied. Thus
t will be seen that what is called a "Spray"

or "Spray Douche" is of little use for the same purpose, as it gives

little or no primary shock. It is with this application as with many.

The patient's feeling benefit is the great and true evidence of the

treatment being right. When the douche issues in bodily comfort and

cheering to the mind, all is right. If it issues in discomfort, then

some other treatment must be tried.

"Downbearing."--This expression will cover many troubles especially

common among women, where the weight of the internal organs becomes

distressingly felt. These are usually supported without our being

conscious of their weight at all. But in weakness, or after long

fatigue and standing, it becomes felt as a severe downward pressure.

This is often caused by the pressure of corset and skirts upon the

waist. In cases where it is troublesome, much help will be derived by

adopting some device for suspending the clothes from the shoulders.

This may quite cure the trouble (see Tight Lacing). For more serious

cases, take daily a short SITZ-BATH (see) in cold water, with the

feet in hot water. Internal syringing is often required, which is best

done with the "Fountain Enema," and very weak acetic acid and water

(see Acetic Acid). A more powerful application is to have cold water

poured over the front of the body while sitting in the sitz-bath, from

a watering-can with a garden rose on the spout. This must be done

gently at first, and afterwards more strongly and with colder water.

This also prevents the troublesome "flooding" from the womb, which so

often accompanies "down-bearing." The water employed in the douche must

be cold, but it need not be icy cold. Ordinary cold tap water does

very well. In serious cases medical advice should be sought, as the

womb may be displaced. A golden rule for the prevention of this

distressing ailment is to pass water frequently. If women would always

do this before pushing heavy furniture, hanging up pictures, &c., many

internal ailments would be prevented, as when the bladder is empty

there is little danger of the womb being displaced.

After the system has been weakened by a miscarriage, this flooding

often occurs. Apply the above treatment: it checks the flooding, and

braces the parts.

