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Fever Rheumatic

Sources: Papers On Health

This results from severe damp chills, usually

following exhaustion from some cause. Its best treatment at an early

stage is by heat applied to the spinal nerves. If the trouble be

chiefly in the legs, treat the lower back; if in the arms, treat the

upper back. The heat is best applied by a large BRAN POULTICE (see).

A teaspoonful of tincture of Guaiacum may be given before each

poulticing, which may be done twice a day
for an hour. We have known an

illness that threatened to last six weeks cured in one week by this

means. Give also teaspoonfuls of hot water from time to time.

Where the trouble has advanced to severe fever, and swelling of the

joints, an entirely different treatment is best. Let a lather of soap

be made (see Lather), and spread over the chest first, and afterwards

gradually over the whole body. After four or five coats of lather have

been put on, wipe off with a dry cloth, and proceed to lather again. We

have seen half-an-hour of this treatment, well done, greatly relieve

the fever; it was continued twice a day, and in three days the trouble

was conquered. Care must be taken not to chill the patient. The soaping

can be accomplished with only a small part of the body uncovered at

once, and, with proper precautions, the bed can be kept perfectly dry.

If a proper liniment is procured and lints sprinkled with it wrapped

round the joints, the pain will be wonderfully relieved. But such

liniments are only to be had on the prescription of a really good

medical man, who will not, if he really seeks to heal, and knows his

business, object to our treatment being applied.

Sometimes, after rheumatic fever, one or more of the joints become

stiff. This stiffness varies in different cases from an apparently

complete solidifying of the joint to only a slight inconvenience in its

use. We have seen many such joints, even very bad cases, completely

cured by a proper use of heat and massage. It is, however, no

trifling matter to undertake the necessary work, and perseverance is an

absolute requisite. Even very obstinate stiffening will in time be

overcome by frequent and strong fomentation, followed by rubbing with

olive oil in such a way as to squeeze gently all the muscles and sinews

of the limb, and move them under the skin. This should be followed by

gentle bending of the joint, back and forward as far as it will go

without pain. It may need to be done twice a day for many weeks, yet

the result is worth even more trouble, when you literally make the

"lame to walk" (see Rheumatism).

