Intestinal Putrefaction
Disturbances Of The Heart
The most successful procedure in the management of intestinal
putrefaction is to remove meat from the diet absolutely. Laxatives
in some form are generally indicated, and one of tile best is agar-
agar. Of course aloin and cascara are always good laxatives, with an
occasional dose of calomel or saline, if such seem indicated. Some
of the solid hydrogen peroxid-carrying preparations (magnesium
peroxid, calcium peroxide
Footnote: See N. N. R., 1916, p. 232])
have been advised as bowel antiseptics, but they are not more
successful than many of the salicylic acid preparations,' and
perhaps none is more efficient than salol (phenyl salicylate) in a
dose of 0.3 gm. (5 grains), three or four times a day. Washing out
the colon with high injections is often of great value, but should
not be continued too long lest the rectum become habituated to
distention, and bowel movements not take place without an enema.
Lactic acid bacilli, best the Bulgarian, arc often of value in
intestinal fermentation. A tablet may be eaten with a little lactose
or a small lump of sucrose after each meal. Or yeast may be taken in
the forth of brewer's yeast, a tablespoonful in a glass of water,
two or three times a day, or one sixth of an ordinary compressed
yeast cake dissolved is a glass of `eater and taken once or twice a
day. Or various forms of lactic acid fermented milk may be
Any particular food which causes fermentation in the intestine of
the patient should be eliminated from his diet; the patient must be
individualized as to fruits, cereals and vegetables, Nit, as stated
above, meat should ordinarily be withheld for a time at least.