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Length Of Pack Perspiration

Sources: Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms

To make quite sure of the reaction, the single sheet may be tried first,

except in exceedingly violent cases, and the double sheet may be

resorted to, if the single sheet prove inefficient. Or, should there be

any doubt, the double sheet may be dipped in water of a higher

temperature than that given above, say 55 to 60 deg.. With young and

delicate children I prefer this course, especially if they be very

excitable, and the shock of very cold water may be expected to be too

much for their nerves. In these matters some discrimination should be

used: it is always better we should keep on the safe side, and rather

give a pack more than frighten the little patients out of their wits.

Proceed safely, but firmly and try to obtain your object in the mildest

manner possible.

