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Mechanical Effect Of Each Pole

Sources: A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication

The mechanical effect of the forward end of the current, or that part

of it which is under the negative electrode, is to relax, expand and

weaken; while that of the rear end, under the positive electrode, is to

contract and strengthen. A moving ship disperses the waters at its bow,

but draws them in at its stern. The bullet shot from a gun, in passing

through a plank, leaves the perforation closed where it enters in, but

> wide open where it comes out. Thus, in physics, the advance end of a

moving body tends to disperse the element through which it is passing,

while the rear end tends to its contraction. Analogous to this are the

mechanical effects of the different ends of an electrical current in

the living tissue. When, therefore, we wish to relax a muscle that is

unnaturally contracted, as by rheumatism or otherwise, we must bring it

under the forward end--the outward current--the negative pole. If we

desire to contract ligaments or muscles that are abnormally relaxed,

(not atrophied), as in prolapsus uteri, we must subject them to the

rear end of the current--the positive pole. Parts that are unnaturally

contracted are electrically negative in excess, and need to be made more

positive. And parts that are unhealthily relaxed are too positive, and

should be made more negative. We make a part more positive by applying

to it the negative pole, and more negative by applying to it the

positive pole. Parts spasmodically contracted are acute and positive;

those permanently contracted are chronic and negative.

