More Facts!
Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms
I have been treating several hundred cases of eruptive fevers during
twenty-one years, and except the one mentioned above (111.) never lost a
patient. I have known similar results, in the practice of other
hydriatic physicians who employed a similar method. I scarcely remember
a bad result of hydriatic treatment undertaken by the parents and
relations of the patient, without the assistance of any physician at
all. I kn
w of several cases of death, in scarlatina, where physicians
attempted to employ Currie's method, without packing; and I have
frequently seen the learning of regular physicians interfere with our
simple practice and produce different results, whilst people without
medical knowledge, by strictly adhering to my prescriptions, would
always be successful. I have been so successful, and am so confident in
the treatment, as described, that I have not only neglected to vaccinate
my children (till last year, when it was done by a friend in my
absence), but that I have sent them to a scarlet-patient to take the
disease, in order that I might be able to treat them myself, and know
them to be protected in future.