Most Diseases Cure Themselves
Colon Cleansing
How And When To Be Your Own Doctor
If you ask any honest medical doctor how they cure diseases, they
will tell you that most acute disease conditions and a smaller,
though significant percentage (probably a majority) of chronic
disease conditions are self-limiting and will, given time, get
better all by themselves. So for most complaints, the honest
allopathic doctor sees their job as giving comfort and easing the
severity of the symptoms until a cure h
This same scenario, when viewed from a hygienist's perspective, is
that almost all acute and many chronic conditions are simply the
body's attempt to handle a crisis of toxemia. For two reasons the
current crisis will probably go away by itself. The positive reason
is that the toxic overload will be resolved: the person changes
their dietary habits or the stressor that temporarily lowered their
vital force and produced enervation is removed, then digestion
improves and the level of self-generated toxins is reduced. The
negative reason for a complaint to "cure" itself is that the
suffering person's vital force drops below the level that the
symptom can be manifested and the complaint goes away because a new,
more serious disease is developing.
I view this second possibility as highly undesirable because strong,
healthy bodies possessing a high degree of vital force are able to
eliminate toxins rather violently, frequently producing very
uncomfortable symptoms that are not life-threatening. However, as
the vital force drops, the body changes its routes of secondary
elimination and begins using more centrally located vital organs and
systems to dispose of toxemia. This degeneration producing less
unpleasant symptoms, but in the long run, damages essential organs
and moves the person closer to their final disease.
A young vigorous body possessing a large degree of vital force will
almost always route surplus toxins through skin tissues and
skin-like mucus membranes, producing repeated bouts of sinusitis, or
asthma, or colds, or a combination of all these. Each acute
manifestation will "cure" itself by itself eventually. But
eventually the body's vital force can no longer create these
aggressive cleansing phenomena and the toxemia begins to go deeper.
When the allopathic doctor gets a patient complaining of sinusitis,
they know they will eventually get a cure. The "cure" however, might
well be a case of arthritis.
This unfortunate reality tends to make young, idealistic physicians
become rather disillusioned about treating degenerative conditions
because the end result of all their efforts is, in the end, death
anyway. The best they can do is to alleviate suffering and to a
degree, prolong life. The worst they can do is to prolong suffering.
Thus, the physicians main job is to get the patient to be patient,
to wait until the body corrects itself and stops manifesting the
undesired symptom. Thus comes the prime rule of all humane medicine:
first of all, do no harm! If the doctor simply refrains from making
the body worse, it will probably get better by itself. But the
patient, rarely resigned to quiet suffering, comes in demanding fast
relief, demanding a cure. In fact, if the patient were resigned to
quiet suffering they would not consult a doctor. So if the doctor
wants to keep this patient and make a living they must do something.
If that something the doctor must do does little or no harm and
better yet, can also alleviate the symptoms, the doctor is
practicing good medicine and will have a very high cure rate and be
financially successful if they have a good bedside manner. This kind
of doctor may be allopathic and/or "natural," may use herbs or
practice homeopathy.
The story of Dr. Jennings, a very successful and famous or infamous
(depending on your viewpoint) physician, who practiced in
Connecticut in the early 1800s exemplifies this type of approach.
Dr. Jennings had his own unique medicines. Their composition was of
his own devising, and were absolutely secret. He had pills and
colored bitter drops of various sorts that were compounded himself
in his own pharmacy. Dr. Jennings' patients generally recovered and
had few or no complications. This must be viewed in contrast to the
practices of his fellow doctors of that era, whose black bags were
full of mercury and arsenic and strychnine, whose practices included
obligatory bleeding. These techniques and medicines "worked" by
poisoning the body or by reducing its blood supply and thus lowering
its vital force, ending the body's ability to manifest the
undesirable symptom. If the poor patient survived being victimized
by their own physician, they were tough enough to survive both their
disease and the doctor's cure. Typically, the sick had many, lengthy
complications, long illnesses, and many "setbacks" requiring many
visits, earning the physician a great living.
Dr. Jennings operated differently. He would prescribe one or two
secret medicines from his black bag and instruct the patient to stay
in bed, get lots of rest, drink lots of water, eat little and
lightly, and continue taking the medicine until they were well. His
cure rate was phenomenal. Demand they might, but Dr. Jennings would
never reveal what was in his pills and vials. Finally at the end of
his career, to instruct his fellow man, Dr. Jennings confessed. His
pills were made from flour dough, various bitter but harmless herbal
substances, and a little sugar. His red and green and black
tinctures, prescribed five or ten drips at a time mixed in a glass
of water several times daily, were only water and alcohol, some
colorant and something bitter tasting, but harmless. Placebos in
other words.
Upon confessing, Dr. Jennings had to run for his life. I believe he
ended up retiring on the western frontier, in Indiana. Some of his
former patients were extremely angry because they had paid good
money, top dollar for "real" medicines, but were given only flour
and water. The fact that they got better didn't seem to count.
If the physicians curative procedure suppresses the symptom and/or
lowers the vital force with toxic drugs or surgery, (either result
will often as not end the complaint) the allopathic doctor is
practicing bad medicine. This doctor too will have a high cure rate
and a good business (if they have an effective bedside manner)
because their drugs really do make the current symptoms vanish very
rapidly. Additionally, their practice harmonizes with a common but
vicious dramatization of many people which goes: when a body is
malfunctioning, it is a bad body and needs to be punished. So lets
punish it with poisons and if that don't work, lets really punish it
by cutting out the offending part.
However, if the physician can do something that will do no harm but
raises the vital force and/or lowers the level of toxemia, this
doctor will have a genuine cure rate higher than either of the two
techniques. Why does raising the vital force help? Because it
reduces enervation, improves the digestion, lowers the creation of
new toxins and improves the function of the organs of elimination,
also reducing the toxic overload that is causing the complaint.
Techniques that temporarily and quickly raise the vital force
include homeopathy, chiropractic, vitamin therapy, massage,
acupuncture and acupressure and many more spiritually oriented
practices. Healers who use these approaches and have a good bedside
manner can have a very good business, they can have an
especially-profitable practice if they do nothing to lower the level
of toxemia being currently generated. Their patients do experience
prompt relief but must repeatedly take the remedy. This makes for
satisfied customers and a repeat business.
The best approach of all focuses on reducing the self-generated
level of toxemia, cleansing to remove deposits of old toxemia,
rebuilding the organs of elimination and digestion to prevent the
formation of new toxemia, and then, to alleviate the current
symptoms and make it easier for the patient to be patient while
their body heals, the healer raises artificially and temporarily the
vital force with vitamins, massage, acupressure, etc. This wise and
benevolent physician is going to have the highest cure rate among
those wise patients who will accept the prescription, but will not
make as much money because the patients permanently get better and
no longer need a physician. There's not nearly as much repeat
Colonics are one of the best types of medicine. They clean up
deposits of old toxemia (though there are sure to be other deposits
in the body's tissues colonics do not touch). Colon cleansing
reduces the formation of new toxemia from putrefying fecal matter
(but dietary reform is necessary to maximize this benefit). Most
noticeable to the patient, a colonic immediately alleviates current
symptoms by almost instantly reducing the current toxic load. A
well-done enema or colonic is such a powerful technique that a
single one will often make a severe headache vanish, make an
onsetting cold go away, end a bout of sinusitis, end an asthmatic
attack, reduce the pain of acute arthritic inflammation, reduce or
stop an allergic reaction. Enemas are also thrifty: they are
self-administered and can prevent most doctor's visits seeking
relief for acute conditions.
Diseases of the colon itself, including chronic constipation,
colitis, diverteculitis, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, and
mucous colitis, are often cured solely by an intensive series of
several dozen colonics given close together. Contrary to popular
belief, many people think that if they have dysentery or other forms
of loose stools that a colonic is the last thing they need.
Surprisingly, a series of colonics will eliminate many of these
conditions as well. People with chronic diarrhea or loose stools are
usually very badly constipated. This may seem a contradiction in
terms but it will be explained shortly.
A century ago there was much less scientific data about the
functioning of the human body. Then it was easy for a
hygienically-oriented physician to come to believe that colonics
were the single best medicine available. The doctor practicing
nothing but colonics will have a very high rate of cure and a lot of
very satisfied clients. Most importantly, this medicine will have
done no harm.