A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication
The points to be gained are, to reduce the action of the amatorial
organs of the brain and the secretion of the testes, and to contract
and strengthen the tissue of the seminal vesicles and the prostrate
Take the B D current. First, treat the lowest part of the cerebellum, on
both sides of the spinal cord, with a mild force; using P. P. upon
these organs of amativeness, and N. P. on the dorsal vertebrae. Treat so
some three minutes. Next, increase the current to medium force; and,
taking a handled cup or mug, holding a pint to a quart, mostly filled
with tepid water, drop the penis and testicles into it, along with
the tin electrode P. P., and move N. P., long cord, over the lumbar
vertebrae. Treat in this manner about five minutes. Then place the P. P.
on the pelvis, close above the penis, and again treat with N. P., long
cord, over the small of the back, two or three minutes. Treat about
three times a week.