Strabismus Discordance Of The Eyes
A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication
If neither of the rectus muscles have been cut and cicatrized, and if
the deformity be not congenital, it may ordinarily be cured.
Take B D current, with small pointed electrodes. If the eye be turned
inward, insert P. P. in the outer angle of the eye, so as to bear upon
the rectus externus, and N. P. in the inner angle, so as to bear on
the rectus internus. Let the current be of what force the patient can
bear. Withdraw the electrodes frequently, to rest the eye, and then
reapply them. Apply the current in this manner six to ten or twelve
times at a sitting. The eye will soon become inflamed, but the
inflammation will quickly go down. Treat daily, or on alternate days,
as the eye can bear. After treating some ten or twelve times, if the
above, except that in this case, the P. P. must be inserted in the
inner and the N. P. in the outer angle.