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To Prevent Typhoid Fever
An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art
When exposed, as in nursing the sick, take _Baptisia_ 2d, and _Macrotin_
2d, a dose three times a day.
To Prevent Small-pox
To Prevent Yellow Fever
There Is Neither A Specific Nor A Prophylactic To Be Relied On
All these different methods and remedies, and many others, have been and are still used with more or less effect. But where there are three physicians to recommend one of them, there will always be four to contradict them. They may all do some good ...
is a specific when locally used for _Sycosis_, also for fungoid cancerous tumors. I have cured well-marked cases of _Fungus Haematodes_ with the tinct. Thuya applied to the surface of the tumor. The _Thuja Cerate_ is a valuable application for mal...
Tissue Forceps
With the forceps illustrated in Fig. 28 specimens of tissue may be removed for biopsy from the lower air and food passages with ease and certainty. They have a cross in the outer blade which holds the specimen removed. The action is very delicate, t...
To Mothers
MOST mothers know that it is better for the baby to put him into his crib and let him go quietly to sleep by himself, than to rock him to sleep or put him to sleep in his mother's arms. Most mothers know also the difficulty of getting the...
To Prevent Bilious Fever Or Ague
Take _Podophyllin_, _Baptisia_ and _Gelseminum_ 1st in rotation, one dose at night, and if symptoms of fever, as headache and loss of appetite, or bad taste in the mouth in the morning appear, take a dose three times a day, and refrain entirely from...
To Prevent Cholera
_Camphor_ (_pellets medicated_ with the pure tincture) _Veratrum_ 3d, and _Arsenicum_ 3d, should be taken in rotation--a dose morning, noon and night, in the order named; so as to take a dose of each every twenty-four hours. If any sense of weakness...
To Prevent Colds
Keep the _arms_, _hands_ and _chest_ well clothed and warm. _Affecting_ the _head_ as _catarrh_, or the pelvic regions keep the _feet and ankles warm and dry_. Affecting joints and muscles as Rheumatism--protect the _Spine_ (back) from colds and cur...
To Prevent Diarrhoea
Where it is prevailing as an _epidemic_, _Ipecac_ at night, and _Veratrum_ in the morning will often _suffice_. For _teething children_ give _Ipecac_ and _Chamomilla_ in the same manner. ...
To Prevent Dysentery
In hot weather when bilious diseases prevail, use _Mercurius_ 3d, _Podophyllin_ 2d, and _Leptandrin_ 1st in rotation, giving one dose a day. In the winter, or when _Typhoid fevers_ prevail, use _Mercurius_ and _Rhus_ tox. alternately a dose every...
To Prevent Itch
A dose of _Sulphur_, or rubbing a little flour of sulphur on the hands, will generally suffice. ...
To Prevent Scarlet Fever
Give Belladonna at the 3d attenuation, three to six pellets, according to the age of the child, every morning, during the prevalence of the epidemic. This is for the common or mild form of the disease. If the prevailing epidemic is of the _malignant...
To Prevent Small-pox
Use _Macrotin_ 1st night and morning, and if nursing or exposed frequently, use it every four hours. ...
To Prevent Typhoid Fever
When exposed, as in nursing the sick, take _Baptisia_ 2d, and _Macrotin_ 2d, a dose three times a day. ...
To Prevent Yellow Fever
Take _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and _Macrotin_, 1st in rotation one dose a day. If there is any headache, or pains occur in other parts of the body, or a languid feeling, take a dose twice or three times a day in rotation. ...
In spite of the fact that a large number of men today do not smoke, more and more frequently every clinician has a patient who smokes too much. The accuracy with which he investigates these cases depends somewhat on his personal use of tobacco, and ...
Smoking, a Senseless Habit. Smoking is the curious act of drawing smoke into the mouth and puffing it out again. Why this custom should have become so widespread is even a greater puzzle than is the drinking of alcohol. In civilized countries at lea...
WHEN we are tolerant as a matter of course, the nervous system is relieved of almost the worst form of persistent irritation it could have. The freedom of tolerance can only be appreciated by those who have known the suffering of intolerance and ...
It is difficult to determine the cause of toothache, and more difficult to select the remedy. It often depends upon decay of the tooth, and exposure of the nerve to air, and contact with food or drinks, or even saliva, which irritate and produce pai...
Torpid Liver
Take A D or B D current, full medium force. Treat with N. P. over the liver, at the right side, immediately below the short ribs, and thence backward and a little upward, as far as to the spine, holding P. P. on the left side, close under the ribs, ...
Torpid Reaction Asthenic
The more violent the contagious poison, and the weaker the organic power, the less decidedly and the less successfully will the organism combat against the poison, and the more inroad will the latter make upon the system, affecting vital organs and ...
Towards The End Of The Period Of Efflorescence When The Rash
declines, fades, disappears, and the skin begins to peal off, an ablution in the morning of cool water, with which some vinegar _may_ be mixed, and a pack and bath in the afternoon, are quite sufficient, except the throat continue troublesome, when a ...
Toxic Disturbances And Heart Rate
Under this head it is not proposed to consider disturbances of the heart due to infections, to cardiac disease, or to localized or general acute or chronic disease, but to discuss disturbances due to the absorption of irritants froth the intestine...
Tracheobronchial Diphtheria
Urgent dyspnea in diphtheria when no membrane and but slight lessening of the laryngeal airway is seen, calls for bronchoscopy. Many lives have been saved by the bronchoscopic removal of membrane obstructing the trachea or bronchi. In the early sta...
Indications.--Tracheotomy is indicated in dyspnea of laryngotracheal origin. The cardinal signs of this form of dyspnea are: 1. Indrawing at the suprasternal notch. 2. Indrawing around the clavicles. 3. Indrawing of the intercostal spaces. ...